Red Vein Removal

Remove red veins quickly and comfortably at The Skin Cellar!

We have recently upgraded our Red Vein Removal machine to a far superior, more advanced machine. We are delighted to now offer our clients Eclipsia+ Thermocoagulation for Red Vein Removal.

What sets Eclipsia+ apart from other thermocoagulation machines?

Most thermocoagulation machines work at 5MHz at 3-4 seconds, Eclipsia+ works at 27.12MHz at a thousandth of a second. To put it simply, it provides far superior results at a quicker rate, meaning a faster, less painful treatment with no downtime. It is the first device that is FDA, CE, Health Canada and MDR approved.

How does it work?

Our red vein treatment is instant in terms of results. Unlike laser treatments it is not ablative to the surrounding skin and tissue. We use a needle on the surface of the skin and an electrical charge is used to thermocoagulate the red vein. This immediately makes the red vein disappear. We use a catalog redid treatment to follow which allows the absorption of hydrating ingredients to soothe the area. Leaving the area with very little downtime compared to most alternative treatments.

Is it painful?

The treatment is very comfortable with most clients feeling a slight tingle only. You can also add on our celluma light therapy to have even greater benefit to any post procedure redness.

How much does it cost?

A 3o min appointment with a 15 min inure treatment time costs €150. This is usually sufficient to do the sides of the nose or cheeks depending on the amount of veins. A consultation is essential and we can advise fully your treatment plan. Consultation is €60 and redeemable against your first purchase or treatment.